Sunday, January 29, 2017


ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.0, 1/800 sec
Shallow Depth of Field 

ISO 100, 24mm, f/4.5, 1/160sec
Deep Depth of Field 

 ISO 800, 50mm, f/3.2, 1/4000sec
Fast Shutter Speed


ISO 100, 50mm, f/3.2, 30.0sec
Slow Shutter Speed

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Self Portrait/Biography

My Name is Kaden Kelsch and I'm a photographer transitioning to be a cinematographer. Film and photography have been a part of my family for three generations. Starting with my grandfather who once had his own studio in California and would shoot commercials. He sold his studio to help support his family. My father was in Hollywood and left after a couple of years realizing that acting wasn't what he really wanted and pursued his degree in writing.

Having an experienced grandfather and dad in film making has been a great resource for me to pursue filming.

My experience has mostly been taking wedding and family photos. Most of the money I have earned from taking photos has helped me save up for my goal for becoming a film maker. As often as occasion permits I go out and practice shooting videos. My equipment consists of my canon t3i, 50mm 1.4 lens, zoom lens, wide angle lens, another basic lens and other gadgets and attachements. Basically any photographer necessity out there I have.

My goal for this class is to better my story telling in just a single frame. For example how to light a set/scene or a subject to get a certain emotion or affect, and how to pose or direct the subject. I understand that this is a photojournalism class, so most photos I presume will be candid, but not every candid shot is a good one. There are lots of principles behind making a good candid photo. I guess my interest is in how to find that candid scene waiting to be photographed.